<!–NoAds–> Preparing ToRs for the service component and Technical Specifications for the supply component and other related documents (market survey/research, budget breakdown etc.) in compliance with the PCM and EU [ … ]
Category: EU Refs
Our Ref: Support to Undersecretariat For Maritime Affairs Regarding the Dangerous Goods Database (FWC – LOT 3)
<!–NoAds–> Preparing ToRs, design and development technical solution for the supply component and other related documents (market research, budget breakdown etc.) in compliance with the EU PRAG rules and procedures [ … ]
Our Ref: EUROPEAID/128690/C/SUP/KG
<!–NoAds–> Rehabilitation of Rural Schools and other Social Infrastructures in Ferghana Valley Kyrgyzstan – Supply of: Lot 4 – Generators and electrical appliances
Our Ref: Upgrading Of Implementation And Operational Manuals For The Department For European Investments, Ministry Of Transport, Maritime Affairs And Communications, Turkey
<!–NoAds–> Expected Results: Existing PIM, POG and Annexes are reviewed, upgraded and updated to reflect regulatory, procedural and institutional developments since their initial drafting in 2011, while the existing structure [ … ]
Our Ref: Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO)- EuropeAid/127427/C/SER/Multi – additional services: Short Term Expert (STE) or consultancy for the preparation of the guide “Development and delivery of training with the e-learning components”
<!–NoAds–> The overall objective of the assignment is to contribute to capacity building of the CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT) and to provide support to the CSOs [ … ]